
The Sky is Falling (and other zines)

Created by The Flagellant & The Fool

Horror and the absurd clash in our collection of RPGs, Comics, and more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

1 - Thank you & Relics
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 10:26:45 AM

Hey everyone! I was trying to save a first-day post for later tonight but everything is blowing up so fast I wanted to stop in with a few things!

First off thank you all for your rapid support, I know the goal wasn’t high but seeing it race towards funding is heartwarming to see. In the creative era we live in, the choice of doing a book entirely by hand, being as neurotically human as possible, was deliberate and seeing the support of that and I can’t appreciate it enough.

I am shocked and happy to see The Relic Hunter pledges gone so fast, way faster then I was expecting. So I am adding a new pledge type…

 - The Relic Coveter - 

It will be the same as the Relic Hunter, in that those who back that will be literally taking original pieces of the book with them when I send their packages. It will however be priced up as I both want to give those who want parts of the book a chance to get it, but want to reward those who bought that early.

The way both of the Relic pledges will work is as shipping begins, in the order of backers who purchased (as that’s the only way to keep it fair) I will be messaging you two options from the book to select and the one you pick will go home with you! I will only be offering art heavy pages as that’s the whole point but I still want you to have a little agency on what you get!

That’s all for now! 

-The Fool