KS ENDED - Thank you all!
11 months ago
– Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 10:17:41 AM
Just a quick moment of celebration!
Thanks to everyone who backed.
I know there's a lot of books running campaigns right now so it means a lot that you chose such a crazy crafted book like ours. I'll make sure it was all worth it!
We also hit our last content adding stretch goal, so expect to see EDEN added to the adventures section of the book! stretch goal
Now I wait for Kickstarter to send over the funds, I buy some more supplies and get going. If you want to follow the progress of the book follow us
on Instagram for regular streams / time-lapses of the pages as they are crafted. In addition, to help keep a steady update supply I will be coming back here once a month untill the books are in hand to keep you all up to date with what's going on and even get some full reveals of pages as they are good to go.
Thanks again, here's to life after the death of the surface! Long live the tunnelers!
-The Fool
6- Add-Ons & EDEN
11 months ago
– Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 06:54:37 AM
We have 4 days to go and are almost at our next stretch goal!
To help us move closer to that, let's talk a bit about our add-ons and what hitting that goal will add.
We have 3 add-ons this campaign..
** Note: In your pledge manager after this campaign you will be given the option of having your add-ons shipped early (and will be charged shipping for them) or having them bundled in your final package for no extra charge. **
First up was our first book!
The all you can eat CANNIBAL RPG!
Smörgasbörg is an RPG supplement of gruesome proportions. packed inside 120 pages of art splattered goodness is all you need to add cannibals to your RPGs, and all the consequences that come with.
Grab your bibs and bone saws you’re in fora treat….
- 17 pages of cannibal classes. From the humbleHumanitarian to the devoutly devouring TEMPLE TO WURM!
- 46 pages of Dungeons, Drive-ins, and… dies? Crawl your way out of the gullet of the colossal Critic, or enjoy dinner and a show at Hell’s Kitchen.
- 7 Restaurants fit for all, from the ghoul to the gourmand.
- “THE HUNGER” addiction-style cannibalism rules fit for any game.
- Arm to Table rules for harvesting fresh corpses!
- And aaaaaaaall the recipes, items, and treats your primordial hunger could hope for.
Unlike The Sky is Falling which functions more as an entire setting/region guide for use with Mörk Borg, Smörgasbörg is a splattered plate of samplings from all over the Mörk Borg. Dine with the Shadowking, attend live butcherings in Galgenbeck, or worship the tapeworms within your gullet!
Smörgasbörg by relation is fully compatible with The Sky Is Falling and is a perfect choice for those who want to add a little cannibalism to their tunnels.
This is a 120 page hardcover book.
Next up is
A system-agnostic dueling minigame
Wish your 1v1's had the high intensity, high lethality, nail biting drama of their cinematic counterparts? HEADS is designed to be used in any and every game where you want your duel to be solved in 1-3 dramatic rolls instead of comparing initiatives and spending 10 turns bonking back and forth to tension simmering eternity.
So whether you take one swift swing of your katana, a corpse splitting power strike with your axe, or trick them with a dagger to the heart... grab your dice and let the HEADS roll!
This pamphlet was designed to replace the *melee* duels in RPG’s & miniature games when drama or tension was needed. It also doubles as a fast and fun minigame to play on the go. (I like to play it when I’m stuck behind a table at a con or waiting with others at the airport)
This is a pamphlet fit to tuck into your game of choice!
Last but not least, our Earthday 2024 release
To Worm.
In this adventure, you will take on the role of a worm.
As a worm, you will live your life doing two things…
crawling, and eating dirt.
This earth day, and every day after live your life, like the worms.
By tunneling your way through the pages, and learning what it means…
To worm.
Eat dirt, and burrow in this choose-your-own-adventure story. Staring you, as a worm.
This is an 80 page softcover zine.
our final content adding stretch goal
The brightest minds have all gone missing. Called to the sea by the enigmatic LeVine. Called by a promise. Leave the brutish hellscape of mortal living behind and join us in our palace of glass and reason. A haven so deep that none but the enlightened can reach, a heaven on earth for those bold enough to dive, a paradise adrift somewhere… beyond the sea.
This adventure is fit for those who want to use mechanics from our book, but set it pre-apocalypse as many of the dangers of the tunnels can be replicated within the glass tunnels of the air-starved ocean floor.
As with Oubliette 666, this adventure aims to add a little fan favorite twist to our book, by setting everyone's favorite Raptured sea city in the Mork Borg world by sinking it at the bottom of the endless sea. Strange tinctures, twisted sisters, and the hulking mass of armored shells that are the Angels of the Deep will all be included in the Eden section of the book.
What of your subnautical scum? Did you heed the call of LeVine having been invited personally? Or do you aim to dive on your own and loot this supposed paradise?
-The Fool
5- Rules & Mechanics
11 months ago
– Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 07:20:13 AM
We are in our final 6 days to back “The Sky is Falling”, so I wanted to dive into what you’re getting in our jam-packed book. You know the art style, and the theme but how does our book add to your Mork Borg Collection?
A “fresh” start -
For those who want to transition their characters and campaigns into this world below the surface, we have both the rules, rolls, and thematics that will take preexisting Mork Borg characters down into the depths following 7:7, giving them new scars (physical & emotional), new items and more. We also have Apocalypse Generators for those who want to up the variety or are converting a non-Mork Borg game to the tunnels.
New PC’s -
Besides the new gear, secrets, tunnel tendencies, and mortal coils for your player characters, there are 6 new classes.
The Tunnel Knight,
and their dutiful squire who hand bellows stale air into their sealed (and rank) armored suit.
The Silhouette Puppeteer,
who turns shadowed tale into something tangible.
The Next,
what was once a person has been so bloated and turned from their Toxic living to become something new.
The Ornamental Hermit,
an unwelcomed pariah part of an obsidian powder harvesting secret society.
The Pack-Rat,
who knows your life is only as valuable as your collection of junk.
The Censer-Bearer,
he who is at war with the very air itself!
Optional mechanics fit for a world below -
The toxic life after the end of the world is now measured in TOX. The higher your buildup of TOX the more your chances to develop MUTATIONS or worse.
AIR QUALITY. Besides toxicity “fresh” air can be hard to come by. Grab yourself an air bladder, or risk succumbing to the ever-thinning air of the deepest tunnels.
THE DARKNESS is tangible in the deepest parts of this sub-life. Cling to the light to stave off its control over you or accept the whispers and take on CORRUPTION in exchange for shadowed GIFTS.
CAVE PAINTINGS! Scrolls are too hard to read or maintain in this paperless expanse. Strange powers and magics are maintained through the ancient art of cave painting!
DM Tools -
We have settlement generators, and NPCs for interactions on the fly, shops & merchants to spend all your hard-earned (or stolen) silver, resources to gather, cults to encounter and more!
Hazards to plug into your own dungeons, from living fleshwalls to man-shaped holes, toxic gasses to poison fungi. 15+ new characters and creatures in the bestiary. From Albino body snatchers to torturous cults, gas huffers, statue makers, the Whisper King, and everything in between.
6 ready-to-play Adventures, “The Choice”, “Under the Well”, “Way Down”, “Denial”, “Oubliette 666”, and a tbn guest dungeon!
All bundled in a hand-crafted, flavor text FILLED package.
The Sky is Falling aims to give you the tools you need to keep rolling long after your first tunnel!
-The Fool
11 months ago
– Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 07:24:56 AM
We are in the final week and we have passed our first stretchgoal!
So OUBLIETTE 666, will officially be added to the adventure section of the book. It’s not too late to submit your ideas for other Oubliettes, just head over to that update and comment your thoughts for a chance to become your own Warden.
As we are in the final week, we are steadily approaching my own personal goal of getting 100 books in the hands of tunnelers! As you already see the theme of our book and world, throughout the week I will show off and talk more about some of the optional mechanics we add to Mork Borg to help cement us in that world. Take a look through our table of contents on the campaign page and let me know if there’s anything specific you want to know about!
In the meantime, another timelapse and a look at our Basilisk! It wouldn’t be Mork Borg without it! Obscured in perpetual cloud of toxic gas, those mad enough to linger get a glimpse of IT.
“One and one-headed rests IT.
What once was Spett and Flofftur are now OPSLUK.
By tooth and talon, as the many basilisks fell
one slipped away.
In its frenzied tunneling, IT slipped deep beneath the soon-to-die world.
How long such a beast can dine on nothing but darkness and fungi
before its mind is turned to mush?
All that’s left of this final basilisk is the paranoid and noxious
OPSLUK and the dizzying gases that emanate from IT’s mutilated neck.
Be warned, there are those who linger within those toxic clouds
Devotees to the mad serpent.
In their toxic wake come that madness.
Huff the fumes or face the cult,
all lies within the hand crafted tome.”
Within the final book are all the rules you need for Opsluk, IT’s followers and the madness that twists the brains of those who huff these toxic fumes!
-The Fool
3 - The Ornamental Hermit & the process
11 months ago
– Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 07:29:22 AM
We’ve past 50 backers and are ever closer to our first stretch goal! I wanted to celebrate passing the 50 mark with a little spotlight on the process, unfortunately, my “spotlight” was too strong and the video is hazier than I expected… but I’ve got a plan!
Here’s a peak into the process of making the art for this book, and our first look at the ORNAMENTAL HERMIT class!
Check out some time lapses of the process!
Since this was a little hazier then I’d have hoped I want to do another run though of the process, what do YOU want to see manifested in paper and tape?
The Whisper King - In his chittering.
A Skegalitte - Of the albino brood.
OSPSLUK the FINAL - They who were once two-headed, but no longer…
-The Fool